Category: Politics

  • Forget Team Edward and Team Jacob

    So in the Time Machine, the time traveler finds that humanity has diverged into two species. One kind is made up of witless incompetents who have everything provided for them and never question it. All they do is have sex, presumably leading to a lot of babies … although the author never mentions pregnancies or […]

  • An Invidious Comparison

    Last month, there arose a story that spread around the Internet like wildfire. Wait…wildfires don’t actually traverse DSL wires.  Rats.  Nor do hotcakes. Okay, I don’t have a good metaphor, but regardless…”The Bible” mini-series was a tremendous hit for the History channel.  However, viewers noticed that the Moroccan actor playing Satan looked not too dissimilar […]

  • Obama Wins Reelection

    An interesting thing about Democrat reaction tonight.  NOBODY loves Obama.  They just hate Romney. You know…I could understand the seething loathing from Democrats if we were running someone like Reagan-on-steroids, but in the last two elections our candidates were two of the most middling, almost-a-Democrat, reach-across-the-aisle non-partisans you could hope to find. One was a […]

  • That wage question

    The sad thing is that the “women earn 72% of what a man earns for the exact same job” factoid is peddled by professors of women’s studies who earn the same amount as for a professor of something useful like astronomy.

  • Wind Power’s Greatest Danger is Profitability

    Painful debate tonight, just because I hate hearing the candidates accepting the stupid premises of the average joes in the town hall style forum. I would have preferred that Mitt Romney say, “If business owners can really hire a woman to do the exact same work for only 72% of a man’s wages, then women […]

  • Did the Democrats ever apologize for creating the KKK?

    Back circa 1865-1875, the Republican party and America’s black population shared a renaissance. The Republican party, having prevailed in the Civil War (and with most of the Democrats in the South out of power while Reconstruction began), passed the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, along with a score of civil rights laws banning segregation and […]

  • A short bit about FoxNews

    I was posting this in reply to yet another Facebook post by somebody else about FoxNews as though it’s a joke of a network and mocked the “Fair and Balanced” slogan as all are wont to do in such posts… and I didn’t want to lose it. It’s certainly not an “everything that can be […]

  • Gutless SNL passes up comedy gold for pandering

    SNL finally does a skit that’s in even the mildest way critical of Barack Obama, and CNN thinks it needs to be fact-checked for maligning the President.  And it’s not as if Saturday Night Live was especially devastating; it attacks Obama for not being successful at implementing left-wing strategies. Here’s what really bugs me about […]

  • Maggie Simpson speaks… and says WHAT?

    Tonight’s episode of “The Simpsons” was about four stories of women in literature.  Usually, these “three stories” episodes are mediocre at best.  I think they started doing these right around the time that I fell out of love with the show.   I used to watch the show religiously.   Now, I find it boring at best […]

  • Why Barack Obama should not be antagonizing Israel

    The President apparently needs more Jewish friends if this is somehow news to him.  Roger Simon: …But wait. This is not the good part. The good part is what President Obama said next. The good part is one of the examples the president gave of the innovative, new-wave, cutting-edge, sharp-as-a-tack, out-of-the-box thinking that one member […]