LinkExchange Member

Last updated: October 1, 2000
Are you truly a Democrat?
Take The Politically Correct Quiz!
by Michael "Rabbit" Hutchison


This page is not affiliated with Neal Boortz's home page, though I greatly appreciate the link!
1) What is your personal income level? Is it:

2) Describe your family:

3) What is the most politically incorrect thing about Scooby Doo?

4) There's this weird drunk hanging out in front of your home. Do you:

5) I'm against school vouchers because...

6) Bill Clinton's Welfare Reform Policy is:

7) Bill Clinton's Official Drug Policy is:

8) Why do you admire Hillary Clinton?

9) What would Bill Clinton have to do for you to not vote for him?

10) If Bill and Hillary discovered _________ in Chelsea's room, they would disown her.
An Uzi.
A videotape with a note: "It was fun! Here's a copy--Rob Lowe"
An antique German lampshade with a registration tattoo on it.
"The Way Things Oughta Be" by Rush Limbaugh.

11) Al Gore's dynamic speech pattern makes him an excellent choice for the position of:

12) Bill Clinton strongly believes in:

13) There is a logical, believeable way that missing Whitewater documents showed up in the White House reading room that adjoins Hillary's office after the administration claimed to have handed over all relevant documents:


IF you think this is a humor page, you're not a Democrat.
IF you had a hard time picking the best answer because they're all so true, you're a Democrat.

A lot of people have asked me why I don't expand this quiz to include the China Scandal, Monica Lewinsky, the Impeachment, Hillary's candidacy, the FALN pardon and numerous other recent Clinton capers. The honest answer is: there really isn't anything funny about it anymore.

I created this page in 1996, when the number of Democrats and ordinary Joe Blows still needing evidence that Clinton was a scoundrel and a liar was very high. Since then, most Americans who have the strength to give him an honest appraisal...and even a few Democrats...have seen what a skunk he is. Thus, the reason for continuing and expanding such a quiz is gone. More importantly, Clinton's absolute obsession with himself has gotten us into too many foreign entanglements, ravaged our military and spread nuclear weapons to China (and from there, to terrorist nations)...and I just can't find a way to joke about such serious matters. The concept of a President so self-interested that he makes the world a more dangerous place for his own temporary benefit should BE a joke. Our only comforts are that he will be out soon and, the media notwithstanding, he will leave a disgrace.

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