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Mystery Science Theater 3000
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MST3K shadow - 5.02 K


Below is a message which I sent to MST3K's producers:

I just heard about MST3K's cancellation.

What is Sci-Fi Channel thinking? I can tell you, I don't know anyone who watches Sci-Fi Channel for "Earth 2" or "Friday the 13th: The Series" reruns. Most of the stuff on Sci-Fi that I DO watch I learn about through the commercials during MST3K.

Considering that your show is so relatively cheap to produce, I should think you could find an outlet SOMEwhere. I'm sure your budget only looks expensive to Sci-Fi channel in comparison to purchasing some series canceled after 10 episodes and re-running them ad infinitum. Between the re-runs, the two-star movies and the Original Movies (half of which could qualify as an MST3K experiment), there will be precious little to draw me to the Sci-Fi Channel once your show is gone. I'm betting thousands of other people will have the same reaction; maybe they'll change their minds after they think about it a bit!

Here's a thought: maybe it's about time that Sci-Fi Channel (or some other outlet) began running ten years of MST3K re-runs! As I have only seen your recent shows (and a handful of your syndicated "Theater Hour" shows and a few videotapes), there must be a market for them. Consider it.

MST3K makes my weekend. I will miss it terribly.

As MST3K bids farewell, a recent Crow joke suddenly rings very true with this fan:

If you'd like to send a message to Sci-Fi Channel's Programming Idiots, e-mail

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