Category: Independents

  • Travelers vs. Digests

    Over on Chuck Dixon’s board, I asked him about the news article I posted yesterday regarding the travelers. His reply is that the traveler’s size is not all that different from that of a digest. I’m terrible with measurements! I’d need to take a ruler to one of my DC Blue Ribbon Digests to be…

  • CGE offers new “Traveler” format TPB

    Comics Continuum has a brief piece on CrossGen’s “Traveler” format. This is an 8″ tall by 5″ wide, slightly smaller TPB. While not AS small as the old digests, I think this is a good substitute. (I’ve said before that I don’t know that modern comics would be readable if printed digest-sized.) And Chuck Dixon…

  • Chuck Dixon to do a Silken Ghost mini-series

    The Silken Ghost, the mysterious fighter from Way of the Rat, is getting her own five-part mini-series. What is it about female protagonists getting five-issue minis? Five-issue minis are unusual enough as it is. Odd to hear of these two in the same day!