Category: Conventions


    The I-Con in Des Moines, Iowa is Sunday June 27th, not this weekend. (I just got my internal calendar wrong.) I’d originally written in this post that I would be going there this weekend. That gives you all a week to plan and be at I-Con. Scott McCullar, Erik Burnham and I will be there.

  • WizWorld Philly

    The Scoop has a Wizard World Philadelphia Wrap-Up with a slew of photos for everyone who missed it.

  • The dangers of female convention attendance!

    According to the humor publication The Onion, A Woman At A Farscape Convention Now Has A Dangerously Inflated Self-Image. Yet again, the Onion shows a dangerous understanding of geekdom. You have to have attended a convention once to write something like this. And it IS too true. If you’ve been to at least one convention,…

  • Des Moines Iowa Convention Appearance

    I’ve received an invitation to attend the Iowa Comic Book Club’s Comic Book I Con on June 27th. Phil Hester and Ron Wagner are amongst the confirmed 2004 guests. If you can make it to Des Moines, swing by and I’ll sign some comics for ya! That’s right..comicS! I’ll have copies of both Job Wanted…

  • MicroCon 2004 report

    Phil Meadows and I attended the Minnesota Comic Book Association’s MicroCon 2004 on Sunday, and it was an awesome experience. I was up until 3:00AM the night before getting the Metro Med web site built enough that we could advertise it on the fliers. It was six hours long. The chairs were a tad uncomfortable…

  • For Comic fans in Merry Ol’

    Just passing along word of the UK Web Comix Thing 2004 that is being held on March 20th.

  • WWTexas Con report 3: PVP, Nodwick and Viper

    I mentioned the Marvel booth in my first con report. We at the Shooting Star Comics booth had the good fortune to be located right next to the big Punisher movie exhibit. We thought that was lucky enough. Then the Wizard people set up a new makeshift booth (where there had just been empty space…

  • WWTexas Con report 2: Meeting people

    First off, J.D. Long wants me to mention that you can get beer at the concession stand in Texas. This is important (in his view) because he loved my reaction when I saw him with a beer hanging around our booth. I was getting ready to blow my stack at him for being such a…

  • Roz needs cash

    The Wizard World Convention was expensive to attend, especially for us out of towners, and sadly it wasn’t very lucrative. Booths cost a LOT and it’s almost impossible to financially make back what it costs, although it’s certainly beneficial in terms of promotion. Regardless, it’s a drain on the expenses. Hotels, rental car, meals and…

  • Wizard World Texas Convention Report #1

    Considering it was November 26th before I was home from the Texas convention, and then I had to leave town again for Thanksgiving and by then it was a week later, I gave up on the idea of covering the convention here on Monitor Duty. By then, it was too late, I figured. Here we…