Issue #475 of Comic Book Network has a positive review of the story I wrote (and Phil Meadows illustrated) for Shooting Star Comics Anthology #4, and gives the book overall a solid review. You can read issue 475 as a downloadable text file.
At the urging of our own Mr. Arndt, John “Mikishawm” Wells has come up with a complete list of Ronald Reagan’s appearances in DC Comics. These include minor appearances, pre-President appearances (HE is the one who put Brother Power the Geek in orbit, as governor of California) and major plotlines such as banning superheroes in…
I swear, LA executives have no clue what we out in the real world consider attractive. I’ve realized this over the years, as Sandra Bullock said that they weren’t going to cast her for the movie Speed because they wanted someone sexy, and Gillian Anderson almost didn’t get the part of Dana Sculley because the…
As part of a promotion where they’re also showing off their in-dash DVD system, Pioneer is giving out tickets to an exclusive June 10th screening of Chronicles of Riddick. It’s only in select big cities (none in Minnesota, unfortunately, or I’d have an exclusive review for the site!) and you have to be able to…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s appeal is lost on me (not to be confused with Sarah Michelle Gellar’s – ROWR!). But somehow TV Guide considers it one of the biggest cult shows ever (way above Babylon 5, which is just WRONG). However, I’m sure many in our audience liked the show. And I’m not even a…
Okay, I kid. This movie actually has an intense and promising premise. Open Water is about a couple which goes deep sea diving…and returns to the surface to find the tour boat has left them behind! But it is the perfect movie for a low-budget studio, since it’s just two people and an ocean. You…
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