Two months later, here is where things stand with Chewie. He is, to use my wife’s phrase after his checkup last week, “healthy as a horse.” He has boundless energy, and he’s all atwitter that the long winter has finally ended. Taking him on a walk is like trying to hold on to a kid…
In the last year, someone shared a comic on Facebook. It showed a grown up Calvin giving his daughter the Hobbes doll to play with. It was one of the most heart-warming things I’d seen in a while, and I hope that Bill Waterson himself would enjoy it. (Turns out that several web artists have…
Remember the Wacky Races? Now…check this out!!!
Just in time for Superman’s 75th Anniversary, here is our podcast about the Superman movies. It was recorded in early forgive my foolish yearnings at the end to see a Green Lantern movie. This is probably the best-sounding and most ambitious podcast, although I actually didn’t bother to go through and remove ums…
Last month, there arose a story that spread around the Internet like wildfire. Wait…wildfires don’t actually traverse DSL wires. Rats. Nor do hotcakes. Okay, I don’t have a good metaphor, but regardless…”The Bible” mini-series was a tremendous hit for the History channel. However, viewers noticed that the Moroccan actor playing Satan looked not too dissimilar…
William Shatner, now 97 years old, continues his fight with the gorn. At least he’s recreating a fight where he had his shirt on!
This is the second of our “Lost Podcasts.” Erik Burnham and I both worked in video stores so as often happens, while gearing up to record a discussion about something else, we just get talking about movies…and it turns into a whole ‘nother podcast! [display_podcast]
I wanted to let you know that Chewie is finally getting some energy back. He’s had a rough week of recovery, but we’ve had a lot of encouraging signs recently. After so many days of hard sleeping, weakness and wooziness, he seems to have perked up. Last night he actually pulled out some of his…
Batman Big Bang Theory Birds of Prey cancer Captain America Catwoman Century City Chewie Conan O'Brien Dr. Who Elongated Man Flash Funny videos G.I. Joe Green Lantern Halle Berry HalloweenRex horror movies Indiana Jones Iron Man Joker JSA Lost Luann Man of Steel Metro Med Obama obituaries obituary Pixar podcast political reboot Rifftrax Saturday Night Live Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Wars Superman Tonight Show trailers Watchmen Wii Wonder Woman X-Men
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