Category: Politics

  • Live by the teleprompter; die by the teleprompter

    The Irish PM reads Obama’s speech, and Obama thanks himself because that’s what it said on the teleprompter. John Romano’s right: if this was George W. Bush, the video would be everywhere already.

  • Liberal parents are easy to spot

    Jon David’s second Date With A Liberal is hilarious.

  • Inauguration 2008 vs. 2000

    Something arrived in my inbox. The only thing I’ve changed in it is that it was written the day after the inauguration, so I removed the references to “Yesterday”. Inauguration Day 2008: Outgoing President George W. Bush quietly boards his helicopter and leaves for Texas, commenting only: “Today is not about me. Today is a historical day for […]

  • Maybe they could kick in for this trillion in spending?

    Michelle Malkin puts it well: Does anyone know how to pay taxes in the Obama White House? It is bad enough that they’re proposing a trillion dollars in Democrat pork projects, but it seems as if most rich Democrats aren’t even paying their taxes until they are unfortunate enough to get evaluated for a White […]

  • End of the fear-mongers?

    How about that?! An orderly transfer of power. For the most part, I’ll be glad if the Bush-haters will just shut up now. With one exception: the people who said that Bush would blame a terrorist act (or cause a terrorist act) as an excuse to stay in power as a dictator beyond 2008.  Sure, […]

  • Critic past his prime honored

    Roger Ebert received a great honor recently, and I’m of two minds of the matter.  As a guy who appreciates film, I bet he’d be great to pal around with and talk about which X-Men movie was better and why, and what movies he hated, etc.  At the same time, he’s not as great a […]

  • Nice Guy finishes first

    Gary Sinise, hard-working crusader for the USO ever since September 12, 2001, was given the Presidential Citizens Medal, the second-highest honor a civilian can earn. Way to go, Mr. Sinise! Is it just me, or is Associated Press determined to make every story about the Bush administration stink?  Look how the story hammers hard about […]

  • How Obama Got Elected

    Yep, me too.  Everyone else was linking to it today, so count me in.  How Obama Got Elected. Michelle Malkin states that it’s “stupid people voting,” but that misses the point.  These are people who are almost all high school graduates and half of them are college graduates and many of them read the New […]

  • What will they do now?

    Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are Thank you, Onion News. I really, really needed that!

  • Wonder what caused this?

    Huh.  According to the National Weather Service, the ocean level just fell six inches.