I’m a big gorilla, and I want a big serial!

King Kong might get renamed King Long. Peter Jackson has negoitated a 3 hour running time for the new King Kong. That means fewer showings a day for a movie that is now trying to make up for a $200 million budget.

But I predict that this movie will be far more successfull than Spielberg’s “War of the Worlds”.

One response to “I’m a big gorilla, and I want a big serial!”

  1. Well, come on now, Peter Jackson HAS to have a three hour running time. How else is he supposed to fit in all the unnecessarily close close-ups, ponderously long slow-motion scenes, and wholly unconvincing is-the-main-character-dead fakeouts? Which, as we all know, are the keys to any great movie. More Oscars for everybody!


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