Bob Lipski surprises me again

I talked about the Uptown Girl movie in my FallCon 2005 review. Bob Lipski e-mailed me to thank me for the review of the movie based on his comic. I’m going to see him in a week at a lecture in Rochester.

Oh, and one minor correction: he has TWO trade collections of the comic, “Begin the Begin” and the newest one, “Black and White World”. My guess is that he hasn’t listed the latter yet since it just premiered at the con. I should mention that they are really thick volumes, so you’re getting your money’s worth. You can get them at select shops or online; if your local shop doesn’t carry them, contact Bob Lipski.

The Uptown Girl Movie is getting released on DVD (yes, I’ll link to it when it’s out). I said before that I was expecting the movie to be a little lame since it’s an independent short based on an independent comic featuring college-age actors, and instead it was well-done and funny. Then I hear about the DVD, and I think “Oh great, it’s going to cost an arm and a leg to get a 30-minute movie on DVD.” Again, I am underestimating them. Bob’s started listing the Uptown Girl DVD extras. There are audition recordings, goofs and flubs, deleted scenes, alternate takes, art used for the animation, stills, behind the scenes footage…AND, in addition to TWO commentary tracks (one by director and Lipski, one by the cast) there are commentaries for all of the extras!

Really puts the original Office Space DVD to shame.


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