Screen saver generates movie ideas

South Park’s new AWESOM-O Screensaver generates movie ideas. It is based on the AWESOM-O episode where Cartman, disguised as a robot in a practical joke that spins out of his control, is taken to movie executives who want him to come up with story ideas.

Staffer 2: How can a robot come up with better ideas for movies than us?

Producer: Watch this: AWESOM-O, given the current trends of the movie-going public can you come up with an idea for a movie that will break a hundred million box office?

Cartman: Um… okay. How about this: [the staffers take pen to paper and anticipate the ideas] Adam Sandler is like, in love with some girl, but then it turns out that the girl is actually a …golden retriever, or something.

Staffer 2: [thinking over this idea, then write it down] Oh, perfect!

Staffer 3: We’ll call it “Puppy Love”!

Staffer 2: Give us another movie idea, AWESOM-O!

Mitch: Yeah yeah!

Staffer 3: Let’s hear it!

Mitch: Yeah, we wanna hear it!

Staffer 3: Come on, come on!

Cartman: Okay, how about this: Adam Sandler… inherits like, a billion dollars, but first, he has to, like, become a …boxer, or something.

Staffer 3: [the producers start writing again] …Yes, it’s flawless!

Mitch: Punch-Drunk Billionaire!


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