Funny blogpost about Firefly screening

The Grumpy Gamer was also invited to the screening, though he had to go through a great deal of rigamarole to do so. His post is funny (with a few brief expletives). Some money quotes, emphasis mine:

Apparently, me getting into the screening is dependent on my regurgitating a much of marketing hype on my website. Once I’ve done this and notified them, they will let me know if I’ve gotten in.

It seems to me that the these marketing people just don’t understand bloggers, or at least not the bloggers I read and know.

Why do they feel they need to do this? Why did this need to turn into a loyalty contest? It’s not like this is some J-Lo movie that they are trying to save, this is frigg’n Joss frigg’n Whedon and Firefly.

His whole post is worth reading. Especially the part about camera phones.


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