Evil Genius?

Seth’s post about Evil Genius reminds me of an observation I recently made on the Dixonverse message board:

You’re a supervillain.
You’ve managed to build a subterranean hideout that is heavily defended. It is fully staffed by dozens, maybe hundreds of minions, and yet no one knows about the hideout, meaning that they live onsite in a fully sustainable city, or you have found a way for them to commute and park on a daily basis without anyone learning of the secret hideout. It is huge, with vast hangars and laboratories.

This is not the odd part. Okay, it’s a bit hard to believe, but here’s the odd part:

Why try to use this facility to build a superweapon which will only pay off if you succeed in a risky scheme that will certainly involve confronting do-gooders who have defeated you in all previous encounters?

Why not just grow pot in it?


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