CrossGen Interview series at MediaSharx

cgelogo.jpgCrossGen is finally seeking to do some press again to promote their ongoing line of books. I wish it had been sooner. With people unpaid, books canceled, creators leaving, creators “let go”, and even some of the creators on the remaining books leaving the company, the gossip mills have been churning and it’s been very hard for even the ardent fans to remain upbeat. The question on everyone’s lips: Will CrossGen die out or continue?

I am, of course, a fan. I’d love to see it continue. And I’m very certain that, barring some hidden disaster on the horizon, CGE will make it okay if it can weather the next few months.

Bill Rosemann’s interview sounds like it’s coming from a press spinmeister, which, of course, it is. That isn’t to say that it isn’t informative in places. I just think Bill’s a very nice guy who has to toe the company line in some of his answers.

What is more reassuring than simple press-manager spin is action. Action in the form of CrossGen continuing to put out more books on schedule, as in the upcoming release of “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang” by Tony Bedard.


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