More on the Oscar noms

Lots of surprises on the Oscar noms complete list.

Check it out:
Bill Murray as best actor for “Lost In Translation“, a film I’ve yet to see but you will all remember that even the trailer amazed me many months back.

Surprising everyone who said that the acting was good but he wasn’t going to get it for an oddball role in a Disney movie…ladies and gentleman, Jonny Depp nom’d for best actor in “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.” Wow!

The girl in “Whale Rider” is up for best actress. Double wow. I’m pretty sure Charlize Theron will be getting it for “Monster.”

Blake Edwards will be getting a career achievement award. Guess the academy didn’t see the condom-fighting scene in “Skin Deep.”

I am surprised that there weren’t any acting noms for anyone from “Lord of the Rings”, particularly Sean Astin as Samwise.

Even more surprising: Will Ferrell up for best actor in “Elf”. Didn’t see that coming.

OK, I’m kidding.


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