For the third season of Justice League on Cartoon Network, the show will change its name to Justice League Unlimited and feature numerous guest stars, including my personal favorite (Elongated Man) and my buddy Scott McCullar’s personal favorite (Green Arrow). This is close on the heels of Killer Moth appearing on Teen Titans. If only Jennifer Connelly had been picked to provide a voice, we could then be 100% certain that the animated series folks were hanging out on the Dixonverse message board trying to please us all!
“The heroes of the Justice League return in August with a new series, Justice League Unlimited, which incorporates a bold new look and a much larger scope. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern continue to lead the universe’s most powerful superheroes in an effort to stop criminal plots and alien threats that endanger the universe. Now, in Justice League Unlimited, they are joined by an even greater collection of heroes, some of whom are well-known, like Supergirl, Green Arrow and the Atom, as well as some that are less familiar, like Booster Gold, Hawk & Dove, Elongated Man, The Question, Mister Miracle, Big Barda and Zatanna. Each half-hour will tell a power-packed story, combining some of the original heroes with new ones as they band together to battle alien invasions, powerful sorcerers, vast shadowy conspiracies and even ancient gods.”
In addition to the characters mentioned above, other heroes to appear on the show will include Black Canary, Red Tornado and Firestorm.
Animated Elongated Man. I still can’t believe it. Between this, his action figure from DC Direct and his central appearance in Identity Crisis/2004 is shaping up to be Elongated Man’s greatest year ever.
[…] that’s where we’re going to stop, even though, as with The Thing, I’ve barely given you the premise as…