It’s my own fault. I’m arachnophobic and I always knew Shelob was coming because I read the Two Towers. I was watching the Two Towers movie, dreading and anticipating the moment that she appears, and then I looked at my watch and realized that the dreaded monster wasn’t going to make it in. So now I’m watching the trailer online and there is a moment where Frodo is walking through a tunnel and all of a sudden “tikkatikkatikkatikka SKREEEEEE!”
Well, what did I expect? I knew she’d be in this movie…but still, if the trailer’s scaring me out of my wits, what is the movie going to do?
Okay, so this isn’t really a news item. I just took the screenshot and thought I’d pass it along for Neal, Erik and others on dial-up who can’t watch the trailer online.
[…] that’s where we’re going to stop, even though, as with The Thing, I’ve barely given you the premise as…