Brent Bozell on JLA #83

Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center has a syndicated column out today about JLA #83, the political commentary issue where Superman has a bad dream about President Luthor attacking Qurac: Superheroes for saving Saddam?

Visitors new to the site should search through our archives for our own previous links and commentary, including a link to an interview with Joe Kelly conducted by Fanzing’s own Josh Elder. Why do I bring this up? Because Josh’s interview is quoted by Bozell! Sweet!

The only other comment I have to make about this is that Bozell makes the same mistake Michael Medved makes in talking about Captain America: the idea that 10-year-olds are still the audience for comics. I dearly wish they were, but comics lost interest in kids long ago and while JLA is one of the few titles you might still see at a Target or a grocery store, 10-year-olds are a very small part of the audience.


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