And this wonderful Tim Pawlenty could have been ours

And this wonderful Tim Pawlenty could have been ours

Tim Pawlenty’s statements regarding his loss on Tuesday are a great insight into how terrible a candidate he was.
I already disliked him because he skipped the caucus and convention entirely.  Why did he do that? Because it would have been humiliating to lose there. He had a lot of powerful money men behind him but not enough actual support, so he figured he could just do a primary and bury the actual endorsed candidate in advertisements since he could easily outspend the guy.
This is already annoying. Primary elections cost money and drain the funds that are needed in the actual fall race.  One of you will be on the ballot in November, but sure, let’s spend months with political infighting, using up donations to run ads and send mailings telling us about how the other person is not really a member of the party at all, or to publicize numerous scandals.  Let’s just do the opposition party’s work for them before the November race.
Then, having lost anyway, Pawlenty says that he doesn’t recognize the party anymore and it’s gone too much towards Trump. Really? So, having been spurned, he tries to poison the party as much as possible in the eyes of the voters for the general election. It can’t be that they just don’t like him. He can’t just be a good sport, say the party has decided and that it has his full support…as many decent politicians have done for ages. No. Republicans must have changed into something too far away from where he stands. He’s sabotaging the party in the wake of his defeat.  He’s a decent Republican but there just aren’t many of those left anymore, it would seem.
Not a bad word to be said about Democrats, his actual opponents that he was supposed to defeat.  Not a bad word said about the Socialist direction of the Democrat Party.  Oh, if we’d picked him, he was going to fight the good fight.  But having lost, his only focus is on how the Republicans are going down the Trump toilet and isn’t that sad.  Apparently, all of his supporters don’t have a party anymore.
Gosh, what an awesome governor he would have made.
He’s like a guy who proposes to a woman because she’s just the most beautiful, most intelligent, most caring, most perfect lady in the world…and when she declines, he immediately shouts to the room what a horrid, worthless, diseased slut she is.


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