I’m not sure what to think about the recent announcement of the upcoming DC/Marvel “Deathmatch” mini-series. On the one hand, a crossover where the defeated opponent dies will certainly be interesting. And it makes sense as a way to top the last DC/Marvel crossover series from a decade ago. Last time it was a matter of “Who will be the victor?” in some classic matchups like Wolverine/Lobo and Namor/Aquaman. Interest in this new series is going to be very high.

However, it once again appears that the companies are cleaning house. When it’s a case of The Hulk versus Loose Cannon (the Hulk ripoff from the New Bloods), you know who’s going to win and who’s going to die. While I’m not as familiar with some of the Marvel characters, I recognize enough of the big names to realize that CM3, Mera, Steel and Blue Beetle (not him, please!) are goners.

But I’m sure most of you realize why I’m most distressed. Mr. Fantastic vs. Elongated Man? I KNOW that Mr. Fantastic will live. What does that mean for my favorite character? I’ve been upset about this all night.

I can only hope that not all of these are really, truly to the death. After all, that would make their opponents murderers and I don’t know that the companies are willing to go that far. Still, their opponents do look like cannon fodder to me. But you look at these match-ups and judge for yourself!


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