Back to the Batcave

All right, this one doesn’t really qualify as “news”, being a few weeks old, but I’ve just read the review of “Back to the Batcave” over at The Pulse and I realized I never shared my thoughts on it.

The movie is really two movies: a campy modern adventure in which Adam West, Burt Ward and other actors from the old show evoke their old screen personas instead of playing themselves and set in an unrealistic world. But then they flashback to a moderately realistic retelling of what it was really like to be on the Batman show. The disconnect is what really ruins this movie, as each one would be better as two separate TV-movies. However, each one would be intolerable if it was two hours long, so instead, we get this.

The only saving grace is the chance to see Frank Gorshin again, and they only show him for a few brief minutes.



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