It’s Not Always Your Court To Pack

Democrats are already offering up the idea that if Trump rushes through a replacement, Biden and a Democratic Congress will threaten to expand the Supreme Court with two more justices.

Question: Do Democrats never consider that they won’t always be in charge? Whether it’s getting rid of the filibuster, or the Electoral College, or packing an expanded court, these things are always discussed as though Republicans are an accounting error and Democrats should be ruling with massive majorities from now on. If the election goes the other way and Trump were to have a GOP House and Senate, would it be okay for THEM to expand the court to Eleven (prompting endless Nigel Tufnel quotes)? To be clear: I’m NOT in favor of doing that. I don’t know any Republicans who want that. But at some point it becomes uneven political warfare to not fight fire with fire. (That’s why the nuclear option on filibusters got turned around on people who first proposed it when they were in charge.)

I’ve been dreading this day just because Democrats are such utter hateful asshats when it comes to the Supreme Court. When a Democrat President nominates liberal activists to the Court, the Senate Republicans give token opposition but generally stick to the idea that the President gets to make his appointment and the Senate approves or disapproves. (After all, there are endless activists to offer in their place if that one is defeated. It’s not like if they ruin a Democrat’s life it will cause Obama to offer forth a conservative judge.) When a Republican nominates a strict constructionist, that person gets his life destroyed and pretty soon he’s accused of running rape gang parties. Thomas and Kavanaugh may have been vindicated but their names are still tarnished forever because the Democrats in our media hang on to the lies. (The main reason I will never rewatch “Jerry Maguire.”)

And yes, Kavanaugh was vindicated. Remember Christine Blasey Ford’s “hurt little girl” voice that sounds nothing like how she actually talks? (She forgot that, as a professor, there are recordings of the way she really sounds as a competent professional woman.) When your best friend says she wasn’t at that party at the house that doesn’t exist, you have no case. But as they say…where do you go to get your reputation back? I’m 90% certain the next nominee will be a woman just because Democrats may decide to keep their powder dry.


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