No escape – not even in movie reviews!

I noticed this in Roger Ebert’s review, too.

Sometimes you just can’t escape politics when talking comics, but it’s X2 Day and this is very on topic, as it has to do with the movie’s reviews. Kathryn Jean Lopez is collecting quotes from the movie critics who are using their reviews of X2 as an opportunity to bash the administration, such as this one and this one. Certainly, it’s not as if the movie doesn’t make some points itself, but there’s some truth to the comment that using government forces to storm a private American institution (in this case, Xavier’s school) could be just as much a representation of Janet Reno’s actions and none of them seem to raise that aspect.

Me, I think the X-Men was always an exaggeration of America’s racial strife…and now that the racial civil rights situation is not what it was in the 1960s and 1970s, the X-Men can either look obsessed with old concerns or move on to current fears. (Not saying I share those fears, just that it doesn’t seem inappropriate to the X-Men at all.)

Remember, you can find all the X-Men 2 reviews you want at Rotten Tomatoes.


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