New Star Trek: Your Thoughts?

To Boldly Go Where No Fuzzball Has Gone BeforeOpen thread: What are your thoughts on the new Star Trek movie?

One response to “New Star Trek: Your Thoughts?”

  1. I finally saw it the other night. My thoughts: (spoilerz)

    -I liked the idea of a reboot, (almost) neatly tying in the movie to the TOS and beyond. Almost like what Crisis did for the DC universe.
    -I’m not too crazy about having Kirk portrayed as a young womanizer. It just feels icky.
    -Vulcan going the way of Alderaan. Sad, but opens up new possibilities in storylines.
    -Vulcan bullies. Nuff said.

    Some things I’d like to see in possible sequels:
    -More Kirk vs. machine. I always liked the episodes where Kirk and co. would match wits with a physically indestructable machine. (Nomad, M-5, androids, etc.) His only clear strategy is using logic to defeat said threats. In other words, only Kirk can sucessfuly convince a machine to commit suicide!



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