Farewell, Mr. Jefferson

Mr. Jefferson has ended his 50-year childhood.

Here is perhaps the best obituary I’ve seen on him.

Mark Steyn, a great obituarist, talked with Hugh Hewitt about Michael Jackson showing us the price paid for our exploitation of child stars, noting how “Lindsay Lohan is about 22 now. She’s got etched into her face that kind of hardness of a 48 year old woman sitting in a sports bar somewhere in some broken-down loser town in upstate New York who’s been around the town once too often. “


One response to “Farewell, Mr. Jefferson”

  1. Just out of curiosity, what was everybody’s thoughts on him in general? Having memories of him since the Jackson 5 days, I’ve seen him emerge from a child superstar of the early 70s, to a pop icon of the mid 80s, to tablod fodder in the 90s. As much as I disprove of his lifestyle in his later years, I just can’t hate the guy. He was simply IMHO a victim of his own success. A boy who could never grow up.

    Thoughts anyone?


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