Super-Paranoid, I guess

Perhaps it’s just me, but I have a hard time letting go of my skepticism regarding some issues when I’m reading a comic book.

The whole secret identity thing is getting a bit impossible to believe.  It used to be that the only people snapping Superman’s picture were Jimmy Olsen and the ubiquitous Japanese tourist, but now EVERYONE has cell phones that can take pictures.

Back in the 1980s, John Byrne tried to explain that Superman was careful to vibrate his face when he was in public so that no one got a good look at him.  But Superman now must contend with the Japanese mega-nerd.

Of course, even back in the 1980s, I thought it odd that Superman is twisting steel girders in his bare hands, leaving fingerprints all over Metropolis.

So…millions of photos taken of Superman every day as he pulls school buses away from suspension bridges and stops bank robbers who have futuristic tanks.  And all of those pedestrians immediately upload their pictures to Facebook.  Then Facebook uses its new facial recognition program and spits back, “We have auto-tagged Clark Kent!”

Then Facebook finds the photos of Clark Kent with Bruce Wayne, and adds, “We have also found Matches Malone!  Would you like to add Matches?  Yes?  We have now tagged Matches and Carmine Falcone!  Carmine, would you like to add Clark Kent to your friends list?  You have 83 friends in common!”  (And there it displays the entire Justice League membership.)


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