I know what “Chuck” is, BBA.

I just don’t watch it, that’s all.

Mr. Arndt, if you check your IM logs, you will see that all you said was that a show with Adam Baldwin was on opposite “Big Bang Theory”, so I had to ask you to explain it because I haven’t watched “Chuck” and didn’t know he was on that show.  But I know what Chuck is.  It’s that show about a dopey guy who has a hot chick secret agent assigned to him because he has a bunch of secrets in his brain and every week you wonder if he’s going to win her over.  I just prefer the one about the geeky guy who has a hot chick waitress across the hall from him and every week you wonder if he’s going to win her over.  (Answer to both questions, by the way: Of course he will, but it will be during the sweeps week finale of season four in May 2011, at which time the show will have then blown the driving question and the series will never be as good from then on.)

Do NOT challenge me to a Trivia-Off, bro, or you will have to bring me the head of Boba Fett!


2 responses to “I know what “Chuck” is, BBA.”

  1. Okay, so you know who Chuck is. But do you know HTML? Judging from your post, you forgot to use it! 😛

  2. Hey, I finally get to test out our new “Reply to this comment” system! Yes, we can now have threaded comments to show who is talking to whom.

    I keep forgetting to switch between code view and WYSIWYG in this new interface. Sorry about that.


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