I’m going over a few of the better books I bought from Scott Beatty during his last clearance sale. “Cinnamon: El Ciclo” is fantastic! I wish I’d bought this and supported it at the time. It’s a taught thriller with compelling characters, plenty of violence and grit (though without anywhere near the swearing and gore you will read in the average DCU comic these days!)… and I just wish I’d known it was a five-parter and Scott was only selling me the first four installments! Now I’m going out of my mind to try to find part 5. Wish I lived closer to “The Source”; guess I’ll be picking it up in October.
The Plot in brief: a young woman named after the DCU’s old western character (what a simple way to explain the new character!) goes on a crusade against the band robbers who shot her father…and ends up being hunted by a daughter of one of the men she killed. Cinnamon goes to make her last stand, not knowing that her quarry is currently involved in a high-profile runaway case.
If you find this in a dollar box or something, grab it. This thing ought to be adapted into a low-budget movie! It’s just the right length and certainly reads like one.
[…] that’s where we’re going to stop, even though, as with The Thing, I’ve barely given you the premise as…