Obama Wins Reelection

An interesting thing about Democrat reaction tonight.  NOBODY loves Obama.  They just hate Romney.

You know…I could understand the seething loathing from Democrats if we were running someone like Reagan-on-steroids, but in the last two elections our candidates were two of the most middling, almost-a-Democrat, reach-across-the-aisle non-partisans you could hope to find. One was a war hero who had survived capture by the Vietnamese and who Democrats lauded as their favorite Republican until he ran against Obama. The other is this shucky-darn squeaky-clean guy whose biggest “scandal” is that he once had no room in the car for his dog.

To hear Democrats tell it, they narrowly escaped being ruled by Master Blaster.

I shouldn’t be surprised.  They took a cute midwestern-ish middle-class woman who had put herself through college, become mayor of her town, then governor, taking on her own party for the betterment of her state, and turned her into a nightmarish horror who sends bills to rape victims while denying dinosaurs exist.

We had a candidate who probably swears less than Sarah Palin and who stays away from the hard drinks such as Mr. Pibb, and yet the Democrats successfully made people fearful of him.  Their raving egotist candidate hung out with Marxists in college (that’s his own words), studies with radicals, has no concept of how business works, and demonizes constantly…and we keep saying that he’s a nice guy and we just disagree with his policies.

Oh well.  Onward into the abyss of debt.



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